Happy new week great TBCians
Here is a fantastic motivational message from The Billion Coin-TBC Admin on FREE ENERGY as a necessity for Abundance Economy.
Enjoy it.
John Harder is absolutely correct as he shares information about FREE ENERGY. There are at least a thousand subjects that tie into the TBC agenda and FREE ENERGY is one of those subjects. If you want to become a powerful TBC broadcaster you should look within yourself and examine your passions that are already there and see how TBC relates to it. FIND YOUR VOICE, it is unique and you were born with a unique purpose. Once you find your own voice, you will blossom into a powerful broadcaster for TBC and the world. FREE ENERGY is also another passion I have, and I spoke about this in the TBC introductory video found on the Formula page of the website. The Elite have suppressed all the FREE ENERGY technologies, especially those developed by Nikola Tesla. Please, Broadcasters, do not forget the main purpose of the 24/7 Live Broadcast is to answer questions regarding TBC, especially for the TBC orphans and new members. So, allow interruptions within your chosen topic of discussion for your broadcast to be available to answer these questions. Refer live on your broadcast a search within the TBC Blog to answer questions.
As long as humanity continues to pay for energy, it will always be an obstacle that will stifle a truly abundance-based economy. The Elite know this, and this is why they have brainwashed the masses into thinking energy is expensive. They have succeeded wildly at this and in some parts of the world, electricity monthly bills are about the same as the monthly rent of a small home. RIDICULOUS! Have you noticed that devices have come out to charge up your cell phone wirelessly? How is that possible? Think about that! The clues of what is going on is all around us, hidden in plain sight. The full positive potential of humanity can only become manifest through an abundance-based economy. If we collectively as humanity continue to acquiesce to the agenda of the Elite, then death and misery will be our final destination. FIND YOUR VOICE, and join the TBC Broadcasters and get paid like a ROCK STAR!
Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?
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I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.
Remain blessed.
Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson
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