Friday, June 15, 2018

This Redemption Period is NOW Closed, Next Redemption is Month of November! (Poster)

It has been an exciting period of great wealth creation for people who took advantage of this season of TBC Cookies Reward to claim their bounties. It started at the beginning of the month of May and it was to end in May 31st. However, due to some technical challenges within the TBC sytems that slowed down transactions, the TBC admin had to extend the closing period twice to allow more old and new TBCians gain more cookies.

This Redemption Period is NOW Closed, Next Redemption is Month of November 2018!


Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

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