Thursday, May 24, 2018

Do Regular People have the Right to Create New Money? (Video)

TBC With Julz Ann #51 - Action Takers Required.

This is an educative video that all TBCians should not fail to watch and listen to with rapt attention.

This video is particularly important to those who are hearing of TBC for the first time and those who have heard but are confused about The Mission of The Billion Coin. 

Enjoy it.

I'm sure you've gained a lot of insight into what the Mission of TBC is from watching that video.
Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

1 comment:

  1. My coins are no more showing since the time of maintenance
