Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Create a Personal Toolbox and Label YOUR Tools (Picture/Article)


Over the last two plus years hundreds of tools have been created for your use in TBC. Every single blog post here in the blog was created with purpose, so you should identify each purpose and label the tool accordingly and organize your toolbox. Hundreds of videos made by TBC leaders are also useful tools. Each page and section of our websites are tools as well and need to be labeled too for ease of use.

Using TBC tools saves you time and frustration. When you get asked a question from your teammate, it would be better to pass the link to the tool than to answer “incompletely” in your own words. Let the tools do the work for you. When you are developing a new recruit to TBC you should have a procedure and a series of tools you pass along in that process.

What happens when you feed the bears? In the end, the bears end up eating you when you run out of food to feed them. DON’T FEED THE BEARS! If you always provide on demand comprehensive and timely answers to questions in your own words, those demanding such from you will eventually turn against you when they don’t like the truth of your answer. I have seen this scenario happen over and over again. So, just be pretty good and passing along the tools, or better yet dump your entire toolbox on them with all of it’s labels. We are like HOME DEPOT, we provide stuff for Do-It-Yourselfers. Teach personal responsibility, and never accept someone else’s lack of preparation as your own emergency to deal with out there. People end up getting whatever they deserve. So, make a toolbox and label it good, and as each new blog post comes out see if it is a replacement tool for a tool in your toolbox or a new tool needing a label.-

Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

For all your TBC -The Billion Coin account related issues, General TBC Questions and Answers, join this Telegram group                                                       
Do you want to convert your TBC to Cash or Bitcoin?
Let me show you how you can make money with The TBC-Kringle code! 
Click link below to join my new Telegram group for your TBC-Kringle Exchange to Cash or Bitcoin

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

Monday, June 25, 2018

Rethinking the Nature of MONEY!

Here is a chat showing the comparison between the fiat currency created by the elites to enslave the people of the world versus TBC created for the purpose of liberating the world.

Study it and decide which one is best for you.


Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

For all your TBC -The Billion Coin account related issues, General TBC Questions and Answers, join this Telegram group                                                      

Do you want to convert your TBC to Cash or Bitcoin?
Let me show you how you can make money with The TBC-Kringle code! 
Click link below to join my new Telegram group for your TBC-Kringle Exchange to Cash or Bitcoin

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

It is Mandatory for ALL TBC Broadcasters to View ALL Weekly Send Button Meetings -TBC Admin

The TBC admin has announced that henceforth it is mandatory for all TBC broadcasters to attend the Send Button Live Meetings every Monday.

TBC Leader Randy Wilson will be hosting the Send Button LIVE BROADCAST on Monday June 25th, 2018 at 7:00 AM PDT. If you do not have a Send button ON you are not allowed into the meeting. For those of you who do have a Send button, DO NOT SHARE THIS LINK with anyone else. The link will be available at 6:45 AM PDT on Monday June 25th, inside your Kringle Cash back office. The meeting starts promptly at 7:00 AM PDT. Show up and collect up to 1 MILLION COOKIES!

It’s PDT now and not PST because we are on Daylight Savings time now.

Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

For all your TBC -The Billion Coin account related issues, General TBC Questions and Answers, join this Telegram group                                                      

Do you want to convert your TBC to Cash or Bitcoin?
Let me show you how you can make money with The TBC-Kringle code! 
Click link below to join my new Telegram group for your TBC-Kringle Exchange to Cash or Bitcoin

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

Steps to a Fast Start in the TBC Community (Poster/Article)

To be highly successful in the brooding The Billion Coin economy, the TBC admin highlighted the steps or tips necessary to building up abundance in kringles.

Read the tips below:

Receive the Gift

Complete Kringle Cash Profile

Pass the Send Button Test

Pay the $10 Admin Fee

Set up New Wallet

Set up a YouTube Broadcast

Schedule a 30 Minute Broadcast inside Kringle Cash Back Office (KCBO)

Do your Broadcast

Purchase $100 of Kringle’s

Complete the Transaction Verification on the Buyers Side in KCBO

Have the Seller Approve your Transaction on the Sellers Side in KCBO

Select a Broadcaster and become their Partner

Sign up everyone in your household and help them to receive the Gift—even babies

Help each member of your household to complete the steps above

Receive a 50% commission on each member of your household from your Partner

Make a list of the 10 closest people to you in your life outside your household

Invite all 10 of them to receive the Gift and then complete the steps above

Start 50 new chat sessions on Facebook using a GIF Icebreaker

Show interest in each of these Facebook friends that respond to your Icebreaker

Once chat dialog is showing open friendliness invite them to receive the Gift

Help those that receive the Gift to complete the steps above

Work your Broadcast Leads inside of KCBO

Study the Blog daily


Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

For all your TBC -The Billion Coin account related issues, General TBC Questions and Answers, join this Telegram group                                                      

Do you want to convert your TBC to Cash or Bitcoin?
Let me show you how you can make money with The TBC-Kringle code! 
Click link below to join my new Telegram group for your TBC-Kringle Exchange to Cash or Bitcoin

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Scarcity is Artificial; Come Live a Life of Abundance (Video/Article)

Hello great TBCians, this is the NUMERO UNO post on The Billion Coin official blog by the TBC admin.

It was published in April 2, 2016. The message in it resonate so well with my dreams of been able to help several needy people of the world.

By nature I hate seen people oppressed. This was one of the reasons I attempted enrolling into the Nigerian Army immediately after my secondary school education so that I can use my military position to help innocent citizens who are been oppressed by wicked people in the society. 

Though, that military dream was not fulfilled, but the spirit behind it is still much alive and active. This is why my passion for the success of TBC is so high. To me, its a vehicle to actualise my dream of helping many people in the world get out of oppression and poverty. 

Read the TBC admin's inspirational and educative post below:

Have you ever suspected that the whole game of life is rigged? Your suspicions are correct! This video may be short but it says a whole lot! Here is what it said: “2016 is set to be a more unequal world than ever before. For the first time the richest 1% of the population will enjoy a greater share of global wealth than the other 99%.” Now this statement comes from the people that bring you The Economist; a publisher that caters to the 1% elite of the world. If you are like most people the contents of this video makes you very upset, and not out of jealousy, but because this is so unfair! You are being ripped off, and not just in a financial sense, your time, energy, and efforts have been exploited! It seems like the evil people that set up this whole system are not even satisfied with what they already have; seems like they won’t stop spreading artificial scarcity until they also possess your soul too! ALARMING!

Unfortunately, most people have literally been brain washed into believing that scarcity is normal and acceptable! It’s not! The most natural thing is abundance, and humanity is being robbed of all of their dreams and aspirations. Can you relate to that? If by now, you have no idea what I’m talking about, then the elite have succeeded in your case in keeping you in the dark, completely unaware of what’s really happening.

This is the very first post here towards educating you, and I really don’t want to spend a lot of time talking about the problem; I’d rather talk about the solution. THEBILLIONCOIN is an answer for the masses. It has been designed to be an easy and simple solution to lift the poor out of poverty in just a matter of a few short months. Now you may not consider yourself to be poor right now, but let’s face it, you’re not a Billionaire, right? Would you like to be a Billionaire? Most would immediately say no to that question, and once again that would be another example of the mind control and conditioning you are under. The truth is: You don’t need a billion to be happy. But if you had a billion, you would have the power to also make a lot of others very happy, right?

How can we return the world to a state of abundance and prosperity? We have to change everyone’s minds! It’s the only way. When everyone believes in abundance and prosperity for all, that’s when it will happen. There are many info-warriors out there doing the best they can to spread awareness, but not much has changed for the better. Motivating people to WAKE UP, is not an easy thing to do; perhaps if there was a billion dollar incentive to wake up to the good life, maybe that will work. Well THEBILLIONCOIN begins that experiment. All you need potentially is just one TBC coin to someday become a Billionaire because that is the highest the price will ever go for this coin based on the software formula driving the price of it. You are very fortunate if you found this when the TBC coin was only about a penny.

No matter what you paid for your TBC coins you are in a position to become very wealthy over time. Just owning these TBC coins is not enough to become wealthy. The truth is: Education is required to become wealthy and that is what this section of the website is dedicated to deliver to you at no additional cost. But, if you don’t take the time needed to get this education then you will be doomed to make the mistakes that comes from being uneducated! Wealthy people are not lazy, but a lot of poor people are very lazy. So, it’s up to you, do you truly want to be wealthy or are you ok just the way you are? The choice is yours; choose wisely!

Is there a voice inside you that says you have a lot to offer? Does it say that you do have an unfulfilled purpose? Does it say that you better hurry? A wasted life is a shame! You do matter! Never let anyone steal your dreams from you; EVER! Live FREE; live GOOD; and take charge of your own life and make it meaningful! I hope all of your dreams come true, and I hope THEBILLIONCOIN gives you the extra means to make it happen!

Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

For all your TBC -The Billion Coin account related issues, General TBC Questions and Answers, join this Telegram group                                                      


Do you want to convert your TBC to Cash or Bitcoin?
Let me show you how you can make money with The TBC-Kringle code! 
Click link below to join my new Telegram group for your TBC-Kringle Exchange to Cash or Bitcoin


I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

We Don’t Need an EXCHANGE! (Poster/Article)

This article was written in April 12, 2016 and published on the TBC official blog.

Reading it today gives me a clearer picture of the wisdom of the TBC creators, especially the admin.

Considering what is happening in the cryptocurrency business today, one cannot but agree with the TBC admin for been so proactive and foresighted.  So many people who have invested so much into Bitcoin and other coins have lost significant amount of money due to the high volatility nature of Bitcoin and Altcoins. The Billion Coin (TBC) was created to be different.

Read the admin post below.

Who is getting rich in the “Markets?” Very few! Why is that? Because most have no idea how to navigate the “Markets” successfully, right? Who benefits from a Crypto-currency that is traded on an “Exchange?” The people that own the “Exchange” is the correct answer! Most of the “Traders” lose their money on the “Exchange!” If you don’t believe me, then let me pass on a little challenge to YOU! I challenge YOU to tell me what the exact price of Bitcoin will be exactly 30 days from now. Can you do that? Can you even predict it within $10 of the Bitcoin Price exactly 30 days from now? If you are confident enough to say yes to that last question, would you stake your life on that answer? Of course not!

“Markets” are part of the problem in society; they reinforce the illusion of the artificial scarcity most people are trapped to live under. One Billion people live with Hunger; three to four Billion people live with extreme Poverty; and there are only seven Billion of us on the planet! Open your eyes to the big picture! If you are concerned that TBC WILL NEVER BE TRADED ON AN EXCHANGE, you have missed the entire point of WHY TBC was created in the first place! This coin has the power to change the world; it will lift all people out of poverty because it is founded on the principle of ABUNDANCE! Humanity needs to grow up and mature into a healthy society where EVERYONE enjoys prosperity and abundance and TBC is leading the charge! Will you stand with us in this noble cause? Good people will answer yes, and I know evil people will say no to that last question because they are intoxicated on the “Kool-aide” they have been consuming! Evil people only care about themselves; they look for ways to take advantage of others that only benefit themselves! TBC will repel evil people; so it is a good thing that the world is filled with mostly good people! Good people out number evil people by at least a 100 to 1! Evil people run the world today and that is why the conditions of society are so horrific today. Good people must unite with other good people and do good works together; and TBC can fund all of those good works!

Look at the Current Price of TBC today. Now look at the Ultimate Price of TBC. Would you trade the value of the Current TBC Price for the Ultimate TBC Price? Of course you would! The good news is that that trade WILL happen over a relatively short period of time! The Current Price of TBC will not stop going up at a rate of 1% to 5% a day until it reaches that Ultimate Price! TBC has a predictable pricing formula that even a “Non-Trader” can understand! Buying TBC is easy and Selling TBC is easy too! We don’t need an “Exchange,” All we need is the website:

Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

For all your TBC -The Billion Coin account related issues, General TBC Questions and Answers, join this Telegram group                                                      

Do you want to convert your TBC to Cash or Bitcoin
Let me show you how you can make money with The TBC-Kringle code!
Click link below to join my new Telegram group for your TBC-Kringle Exchange to Cash or Bitcoin

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

New Support Ticketing System for Kringle.Cash and Official TBC Sites (Images/Article)

Dear TBCians, there is a new Support Ticketing System to make it easier for all TBC community members get quick access to the support team and to get problems resolved as fast as possible.

Read details below:

You may have noticed a change in how we are handling Support Tickets for Kringle.Cash and the Official TBC Sites.

We have a new ticketing system that will help reduce the time we respond and serve you better. Our new ticketing system can be found by going to and log in. You’ll see a new menu item just under the Dashboard, Help Desk. You can also submit a ticket at by clicking ‘Contact Us’ at the bottom. One last way to submit a ticket is to visit the portal page at

When you visit the portal you will be required to submit your email address. Make sure it’s the PRIMARY email address of your Kringle.Cash,,, or registered address. If you do not provide an email address or provide an address that is not registered, we’re sorry we cannot help you.

Once you press submit you will receive an email at your registered address that you must click the confirmation link in the email. This will register you automatically and bring you to the ticket entry screen.

Enter a Summary, Description, And please select one of the categories. You can also attach an image. Please provide as much information as you can to help us solve your issue timely. Be detailed and please follow our guidelines below for successful resolution.

You will be able to search for open or closed tickets and you’ll see the tickets you have submitted.

Guidelines for Successful Resolution:
Payment support issues must be submitted to it can be found on any payment page in Kringle.Cash. We will validate your information automatically and if your payment is found we will process your request through this page only. Ticket Support and this Help Desk cannot address your payment support issue. Please understand that you will receive an automated reply that will direct you to that payment support page.

Email Addresses: If you do not supply a registered email address we cannot help you. Please use your registered Kringle.Cash, tbc004, tbc009 or .info email address.

Tickets by Proxy: We’re sorry we cannot help your downline or your sponsor, if you are the sponsor of someone who requires support, please send them the portal link and have them use their registered address. Our policy is to verify identity of the requester and if the help ticket is not for you, then we cannot assist you.

Please submit one ticket for one issue. Once you have submitted a ticket the screen will show it’s submitted and you’ll see that you have a ticket under open tickets. Please do not send the same ticket over and over again, one ticket is all you need. If you are found to be spamming the ticket system, we will suspend your access to the ticket portal until we have resolved your primary ticket.
Closed Tickets: If your help desk agent has resolved your item we will close the ticket and no further action would be required from you. If your issue is NOT yet resolved but your ticket is closed, you can REOPEN the ticket by replying to the email or coming to the portal to do so. DO NOT send another ticket as you will loose your place in the support queue.

Lastly, This is a help desk…we’re here to help you. Suggestions, Accolades, or Complaints may not be replied to and should be directed toward your leaders or broadcasters. We will review your submission but we’re here to help those we can to a successful resolution.


Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

For all your TBC -The Billion Coin account related issues, General TBC Questions and Answers, join this Telegram group                                                      
Do you want to convert your TBC to Cash or Bitcoin?
Let me show you how you can make money with The TBC-Kringle code! 
Click link below to join my new Telegram group for your TBC-Kringle Exchange to Cash or Bitcoin

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

Saturday, June 23, 2018


I read the story of this 12 years old girl who silenced the world for 6 mins and decided to share it here. 

The TBC admin added some peck to it by linking it with the mission of The Bilion Coin

Watch this emotion laden speech by a girl who was just 12 years old.

Introduction by the TBC Admin

As I watched this popular video for the very first time, I could not help the tears from rolling down my cheeks; blurring my vision for most of it. The profound truths coming out of the mouth of this 12 year old girl resonate with even greater force today, now that it has been decades since she spoke them. In many ways, the issues she raised in 1992 have progressively gotten worse since then.

The tables have turned on Severn Cullis-Suzuki the girl speaking as a girl in this video, addressing adults about a world filled with children and what the responsibilities of the adults are regarding them. She is now an adult herself. She is a 36 year old wife and mother of two children, and she continues to be an activist.

Below you will find the entire text of her speech, which will hopefully spread to every soul on Earth! Allow me to take a few quotes from it and tie it together with the over-arching mission of TheBillionCoin community. From a child’s perspective she said:

“Coming up here today, I have no hidden agenda. I am fighting for my future. Losing my future is not like losing an election, or a few points on the stock market. I am here to speak for all generations to come. I am here to speak — speak on behalf of the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard.”

Those first words made my heart swell up and my eyes watery. I have traveled quite a bit, even to many 3rd world countries. I have personally witnessed starving children, and they are everywhere! A mal-nourished child is even more common than starving children and is practically just as bad. I’ve seen children being used to raise money in the streets, as beggars, and apparently many of these children have been kidnapped from their parents for that purpose. It’s a disgusting sight to witness first hand, especially when some of these children have been purposely maimed so that they could collect even more coins. Child prostitution has also become common-place in some parts of the world. Some children have not only lost their future, they have lost their childhood.

By the time she spoke the following words, the tears were rolling down my cheeks:

“Did you have to worry of these things when you were my age? All this is happening before our eyes and yet we act as if we have all the time we want and all the solutions. I’m only a child and I don’t have all the solutions. I don’t — I want you to realize, neither do you. You don’t know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer. You don’t know how to bring the salmon back up in a dead stream. You don’t know how to bring back an animal now extinct. And you can’t bring back the forests that once grew where there is now a desert. If you don’t know how to fix it, please stop breaking it.”

She’s right! If we don’t know how to fix something, at least we can stop breaking it and making it even worse!

Then like an arrow to the heart she speaks the truth:

“Here, you may be delegates of your governments, business people, organizers, reporters, or politicians. But, really, you are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles — and all of you are someone’s child.”

If You had a pleasant childhood; be grateful! If You had a difficult childhood; may it give You the strength to make a better way for Your children. Always remember that You were once a child too; You counted on the adults in Your life to tend to Your needs; and You are responsible for the next generation.

It’s easy to point fingers and blame our leaders. Let me tell you something. Our leaders are not completely at fault for the conditions we find ourselves in today. This is our mess, we are all at fault! If You need to find someone to blame; just step in front of the mirror, and stop making excuses for Yourself.

If you claim that You simply don’t have enough to share with others; that You are barely getting by Yourself. Then TBC can change that. Even if all You can afford is the purchase of just one TBC coin, then buy it and be grateful; because within that one TBC coin is the potential of enormous wealth for You. You no longer have to waste Your precious life on the excuse of not having enough. The world if full of every resource needed to provide comfort and security to every man, woman, and child on it. To believe otherwise means You have fully embraced the great deception that scarcity is real. Scarcity is not real! Shortages come and go, but scarcity is an artificial device used against the masses to kill them and to enslave them. Are You a slave? Do You want to be a slave?

The real truth is that humanity does not need money. An awakened humanity could operate without the time consuming and cumbersome activities associated with money. TBC leads the pathway to a world filled with empowered individuals, living meaningful lives, and joy will be the natural byproduct on an existence driven by pure love. TBC is part of a bridge from the world today to a much better world tomorrow. TBC, a form of money, will flood in the resources desired so fast for each of You; that it will become self-evident to all that the resources were always there and we only needed to change our minds to access them.

May the voice of this 12 year old girl be held in Your heart from now on; stirring it to always take positive action towards a brighter future, not just within the walls of Your home, but for Your part in the whole world!

Kris Kringle

See Text from the video below:

Hello, I’m Severn Suzuki speaking for “ECO” — the Environmental Children’s Organization.

We are a group of 12 and 13 year-olds trying to make a difference: Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg, and me. We’ve raised all the money to come here ourselves — to come 5,000 miles to tell you adults you must change your ways.

Coming up here today, I have no hidden agenda. I am fighting for my future. Losing my future is not like losing an election, or a few points on the stock market.

I am here to speak for all generations to come. I am here to speak — speak on behalf of the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard. I am here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet, because they have nowhere left to go. I am afraid to go out in the sun now, because of the holes in our ozone. I am afraid to breathe the air, because I don’t know what chemicals are in it.

I used to go in — I used to go fishing in Vancouver, my home, with my Dad until, just a few years ago, we found the fish full of cancers. And now we hear of animals and plants going extinct every day, vanishing forever. In my life, I have dreamt of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles, and rainforests full of birds and butterflies, but now I wonder if they will even exist for my children to see.

Did you have to worry of these things when you were my age? All this is happening before our eyes and yet we act as if we have all the time we want and all the solutions. I’m only a child and I don’t have all the solutions. I don’t — I want you to realize, neither do you. You don’t know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer. You don’t know how to bring the salmon back up in a dead stream. You don’t know how to bring back an animal now extinct. And you can’t bring back the forests that once grew where there is now a desert. If you don’t know how to fix it, please stop breaking it.

Here, you may be delegates of your governments, business people, organizers, reporters, or politicians. But, really, you are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles — and all of you are someone’s child.

I’m only a child, yet I know we are all part of a family — five billion strong; in fact 30 million species strong — and borders and governments will never change that. I’m only a child, yet I know we are all in this together and should act as one single world towards one single goal.

In — In my anger, I’m not blind; and in my fear, I’m not afraid of telling the world how I feel. In my country we make so much waste, we buy and throw away, buy and throw away, buy and throw away and yet Northern countries will not share with the needy. Even when we have more than enough we are afraid to share; we are afraid to let go of some of our wealth.

In Canada, we live the privileged life. We’ve plenty of food, water, and shelter. We have watches, bicycles, computers, and television sets. The list could go on for two days. Two days ago, here in Brazil, we were shocked when we spent time with some children living on the streets. This is what one child told us: “I wish I was rich and if I were, I would give all the street children food, clothes, medicines, shelter, and love and affection.”

If a child on the streets who has nothing is willing to share, why are we who have everything still so greedy? I can’t stop thinking that these are children my own age, that it makes a tremendous difference where you are born; that I could be one of those children living in the favelas of Rio. I could be a child starving in Somalia, or a victim of war in the Middle East, or a beggar in India. I am only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on finding environmental answers ending poverty and in finding treaties, what a wonderful place this Earth would be.

At school, even in kindergarten, you teach us how to behave in the world. You teach us to not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others, to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share, not be greedy. Then, why do you go out and do — do the things you tell us not to do? Do not forget why you are attending these conferences — who you’re doing this for. We are your own children. You are deciding what kind of a world we are growing up in.

Parents should be able to comfort their children by saying, “Everything’s going to be all right; it’s not the end of the world, and we’re — and we’re doing the best we can.” But I don’t think you can say that to us anymore. Are we even on your list of priorities?

My dad always says, “You are what you do, not what you say.” Well, what you do makes me cry at night. You grown-ups say you love us. But I challenge you, please, make your actions reflect your words.

Thank you.


Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

For all your TBC -The Billion Coin account related issues, General TBC Questions and Answers, join this Telegram group                                                       

Do you want to convert your TBC to Cash or Bitcoin?

Let me show you how you can make money with The TBC-Kringle code! 
Click link below to join my new Telegram group for your TBC-Kringle Exchange to Cash or Bitcoin

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

Friday, June 22, 2018


Farewell to TBC Santa has he officially retired.

Read TBC Admin announcement below.

Santa has been Officially Retired (Picture/Logo & New Slogan/Article)

Santa has retired as the mascot of the Kringle Coin and everyone is happy, including Santa.

We will be doing a whole number of upgrades to the websites and moving into the direction where it is clear that our coins are MONEY to be used to purchase goods and services worldwide. Soon we will have the automation built to finish the migration without so much manual labor. Once the code for the automation is done, we will develop a QR Code system on the new wallet and it will be easy to do smart phone to smart phone transactions and small merchants will love that. On July 7th, all Send Buttons on the Old Wallet at will be turned off, there is no need to continue using the Old Wallet with all its bugs. So, now is the time to go ahead and complete the migration process. Migration officially ends at the end of July.


Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

For all your TBC -The Billion Coin account related issues, General TBC Questions and Answers, join this Telegram group        
Do you want to convert your TBC to Cash or Bitcoin?
Let me show you how you can make money with The TBC-Kringle code! 

Click link below to join my new Telegram group for your TBC- Kringle Exchange to Cash or Bitcoin.
I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Buy Goods And Services With Your TBC-Kringles At The Grayn Int'l Mega Trade Fair, Lagos, Nigeria

As a proud TBCian, I'm constantly scouting for valuable information on how members of The Billion Coin (TBC) community can begin to feel and enjoy the abundance lifestyle presented by TBC Admin through the creation of The Billion Coin

So here is one of those opportunities. I had a telegram chat with Adekola Adekunle, one of the promoters of a mega trade fair where members of the TBC community can purchase valuable items with between 50% -100% TBC.

What that means is that for some of the items that will be sold at the Mega Trade Fair, you will pay 50% in cash and 50% with your TBC. So, for example if an item in display cost N150, will only pay N75,000 cash and the remaining N75,000 will be paid with your TBC kringles. If however, the item is for 100% TBC it therefore means that you don't have to pay any cash but you buy it with TBC kringles. Isn't that fantastic?

Below is the details I got from my contact unedited.

The Grayn Int'l Mega Trade Fair

[Forwarded from Oluwatosin Samuels]
Welcome everyone. The Grayn Int'l Mega Trade Fair is slated to be one of its kind as a lot is being put in to ensure this particular event stands out. We've been getting calls from across the federation of participants willing to be a part of this.

We've also gotten lot of merchants on board. The beauty of it is that we're already in advanced talks with certain big companies like MTN, Innoson Motors, Globe Motors, Cars 45, Adron Homes & Properties, Dorchester Homes & gradens, 3C Hub among several others who are willing to partner with Grayn for the success of this trade Fair - both as sponsors and as merchants.

We are working to ensure to have Television Continental, TVC cover the event and what that means is that this is going to be the first TBC trade Fair ever to be aired on national Television.

This surely is not a trade fair to miss as it is going to be epic and historic. Shopping would be done with 50%-100% TBC, though the 100% TBC payment will be selective based on certain parameters.

We still have few slots open to merchants who would love to be a part of this. The expected population at this trade event is about 30000 for the 3days. As a merchant, you have everything to gain to register, because selling to 5-10% of this expected population alone can change your financial story forever. We will also have a special forum for business owners to interact and networks. Feel free to register your interest as a merchant or business owner with @Adexpompin before Monday, the 25th June 2018

We also have a special session for school owners who are willing to grow their school astronomically next session. The 3rd term is just elapsing and this is an opportunity for schools to showcase their stuff to our teeming population of participants at this trade Fair. Hence, we'll have Schools Exhibition as a special feature of this trade Fair. Hence, if you know any school owner or you are one yourself, don't miss this opportunity. Simply register your interest with @Adexpompin

Feel free to ask any question that you wish to. Also endeavor to invite and intimate fellow TBCians about this mega event in the TBC history using the link below:

Join this telegram page for questions and updates about the Grayn Trade Fair event coming up

TBC rocks!
Grayn rocks!
Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

To exchange your TBC to cash or Bitcoin, join my telegram group.

Let me show you how you can make money with the TBC-Kringle code!

Click link below to join my new Telegram group for your TBC-Kringle Exchange to Cash or Bitcoin      

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

500% Cookie Reward Bonus until July 21st, 2018 (Poster/Image/Article)

Whaoooo! The Billion Coin (TBC) Admin has done it again. This time its by 500%

Read details below:

This special offer will affect the value of all Cookie Rewards by 500 times for all categories until the end of this Promotion! So, the Gift will now be 125,000 Cookies. Broadcasts will be 5,000,000 Cookies. 100 PAID Referrals will be 5,000,000,000. WOW!!! Broadcasters will get 5,000,000 Cookies while Basic Members will get 5,000 Cookies for attending Send Button Meetings. Lastly, Broadcasters will get 500,000,000 Cookies while Basic Members will get 500,000 Cookies for every $100 purchased during this special promotion.

So consider this, a brand new member that has never been with TBC before will get as a gift $10,000 of Cookies, and encouraged to buy $100 in Kringles to get the $40,000 in Cookie Reward without having to do a Broadcast. So this Buyer is out of pocket $110 and ready to redeem in November to access the $50,000 of Kringles. This is an even better offer than our 5% daily growth offer which doubled money every 2 weeks. Compare: July 7th $100 turns into $200; July 21st becomes $400; August 7th becomes $800; August 21st becomes $1,600; September 7th becomes $3,200; September 21st becomes $6,400; October 7th becomes $12,800; October 21st becomes $25,600; a week later it is November Redemption. So as the TBC Community continues to grow between now and November this $50,000 example will be worth even more during the November Redemption Period. This is one of our best offers ever for a basic member of our community.

During our last Redemption Period which we extended until June 15th, all Members were treated like they were Broadcasters when it came to Cookie Rewards but very few stepped up to perform like Broadcasters. I have pierced the future with my long term sight and it so clear to me our success rests in the hands of a MASSIVE group of YouTube Broadcasters. The innovation of an “Abundance-based” Currency/Money will need the perceived acceptance of a large group that is irrefutable. You can see how some dismiss our number of over 3,000,000 Members because most are hiding in the shadows and it is only the Broadcasters standing up firm and strong for TBC that has inspired us to move forward. The “Powers that be” have worked hard for centuries to finally get us so far away from NATURE and the obvious abundance of it, that it has become easy for them to convince the masses that we must accept “SCARCITY” as the norm of life. “Artificial Scarcity” is wrapped in a gigantic deception that is reinforced through the NEWS, MOVIES, the Educational System, and all the other outlets “the Powers that be” control and dominate. I covered this in detail in my very first blog post here:

By design we were always going to have a million Billionaires and a billion Millionaires in our TBC Economy in order to have the right mixture for a long-term sustainable system and money supply that will enable us to fulfill our mission to End Poverty globally. The lack of Billionaires and Millionaires in the system we have today, the “Status Quo,” is insufficient to support the cause of ending poverty. The Elite designed it that way and they know their system perpetuates poverty forever. The Elite are parasites on what God has created and literally suck the life-blood of people away from them into their position of power over the people. TBC is here to restore the birthrights of the people back to the people. TBC is the Money of the People, by the People, and for the People. Our success in TBC will change the whole world for the better, creating a state of Abundance for ALL! Perception is the main obstacle in our path to turn TBC into a huge success, and Broadcasters are needed to affect the perception of the masses into a new version of reality that has not been seen in thousands of years. I can not make the point more clear than that of how important the role of Broadcasters are in our TBC Economy. So, the Broadcasters will be the Billionaire TBCians while the Basic members will be the Millionaire Kringlers that thrive off the efforts of the broadcasting Billionaires. Basic members are reluctant to do much above and beyond the basics of participation in building out our very own economy that operates independent of the economy that constitutes the “Status Quo.” A million Broadcasters will be more than enough to change the perspective of almost everyone on Earth, because we speak the TRUTH out loud.

500% bonus for a Broadcaster making a $100 purchase is about $40,000,000.00. That is an enormous reward to figure out the procedure to get a Broadcast done and approved by Admin. Rewards are and have been unlimited, so purchase as much as you’d like as a Broadcaster and for each set of $100 purchased you will receive $40,000,000.00 each. Once you get a taste of Broadcasting we hope you enjoy it enough to keep it up long-term. We will show you the fast track to become a Broadcaster immediately after you join us as a PAID member. Billionaire status is within the reach of those that choose to become TBC Broadcasters.

Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How To Convert Your TBC-Kringles To Cash or Bitcoin Via TBC Code

Now what's TBC code all about?

It is a program approved by TBC ADMIN! for the exchange of the TBC cryptocurrency with Fiat or other cryptocurrencies especially Bitcoin

Please note that the analysis and figures used in this post are what I designed for my TEAM GOLD strategy taken a clue from the creator of the original system.  This I did to help my team achieve fast growth and earning capacity.

- Many TBCians usually ask me how they can cash out their TBC, finally a system that can give you $300 as a Level 1 member to level 12, where you will be able to withdraw $3,600

Is it unbelievable with TBC?

Please have at least $ 500 of TBC in your wallet to get started. All you need is your gift from Kringle, which today is over $1,000

(This should not be a problem if the 25,000 Free Kringle are worth over $1000, so if you have Kringle for free, you're fine!)

- You can participate if you have a Send Button or not!

- You only need 3 people to get started! and you will finish level 1 in no time but they must be interested and motivated!

*Note* getting this 3 people, you don't have to worry about it as we are working together as a team with good strategy to achieve a common goal so everybody is guaranteed of success👌🏽
More explanations coming ...

The link below is the proof that the TBC Admin approved this system for those that haven't heard about it, or are not sure if it’s legit or not.

Now that the legitimacy of this system have been settled, read on.

- All I need from Everyone is to follow all my instructions

- If you do not understand anything, please ask questions

- We're going to make a lot of money

All you need to get you to level 12 where you will earn and cash out $3,600 is that:

You must have $125 ready to get started

You must be willing to share our group link to reach as many TBCians as possible

- Each and everyone of us will benefit from this, just follow everything I say. I promise you will laugh

- We already have a lot of members here in que waiting to be given link to register and get started but we have no reason to rush as we are doing it step by step based on our strategy and we are using First Come First Serve basis- meaning the earlier u get registered, the better for you

- We do things honestly and calmly!

- And you must know everything from the beginning

- The system goes from level 1 to 12, and all you need are:

1.) $125

2.) Your Top-3 Leaders (they must be ready to exchange some of their TBCs in cash or whatever currency they want)

3.) A Send button!

3b.) If you do not have a Send Button you need to have a trusted seller (someone with a Send Button you trust. You go into partnership and share 50/50 on any downline you refer )

Only those three things to start!

How does it is how it works perfectly 👇👇👇


 Note that: once you are out of LEVEL 1, its compulsory for you to upgrade and that's what will make nobody work again ,just sit down and be earning, upgrading till You reach the last stage and also you are not putting any money in the system again because you will be upgrading with your earnings from earlier level

Now this is how it works                                           
This pict shows when 2 downlines paid to this Sponsor

LEVEL 1.  3 pending downlines will pay you $100 and you will send them $100 worth of TBC each
Gain- $300
Then you upgrade with $200

LEVEL 2  the same 3 downlines from your level1 will pay you $200 each and you will send them $200 worth of TBC each!
Gain- $600
Then you upgrade with $300

LEVEL 3 the same 3 downlines will pay you $300 each and you send them $300 worth of TBC each
Gain- $900
Then you upgrade with $400

LEVEL 4 the same 3 downlines will pay you $400 and you will send them $400 worth of TBC each!
Gain- $1,200
Then you upgrade with $500

LEVEL 5 the same 3 downlines will send you $500 each and you will send them $500 worth of TBC each!
Gain- $1,500
Then you upgrade with $600

LEVEL 6 the same 3 downlines will pay you $600 each and you will send them $600 worth of TBC each!
Gain- $1,800
Then you upgrade with $700

LEVEL 7 the same 3 downlines will pay you $700 each and you will send them $700 worth of TBC each!
Gain- $2,100
Then you will upgrade with $800

LEVEL 8 the same 3 downlines will pay you $800 each and you will send them $800 worth of TBC each!
Gain- $2,400
Then you will upgrade with $900

LEVEL 9 the same 3 downlines will pay you $900 each and you will send them $900 worth of TBC each
Gain- $2,700
Then you will upgrade with $1000

LEVEL 10 the same 3 downlines will pay you $1000 each and you will send them $1000 worth of TBC each!
Gain- $3,000
Then you will upgrade with $1,100

LEVEL 11 the same 3 downlines will pay you $1,100 each and you will send them $1,100 worth of TBC each!
Gain- $3,300
Then you upgrade with $1,200

LEVEL 12 the same 3 downlines will pay you $1,200 each and you will send them $1,200 worth of TBC each!
Gain- $3,600

Wow you know how much that is right, then you can start again if you are not satisfied just like me 😄😄

If you notice all the way you are increasing your TBC cos for each $100 TBC you purchase, you will qualify for Cookie Reward

This is really amazing guys nothing is stopping you from achieving all this, its just only 3 downlines we are giving you that will make it a success for you.

Make that decision now!!!


Let me show you how you can make money with The TBC-Kringle code! 

Click link below to join my new Telegram group for your TBC-Kringle Exchange to Cash or Bitcoin     

Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Differences And Similarities Between Bitcoin (BTC) and The Billion Coin (TBC).

Here in the table below I have highlighted some differences between BITCOIN (BTC) and THE BILLION COIN (TBC)

BTC - Bitcoin

TBC - The Billion Coin
BTC - Satoshi

TBC - Kringle


1 BTC=100000000 Satoshi

1 TBC=100000000 Kringle


BTC – 21 Million Coins
TBC – 1 Billion Coins


Market Base (The higher the demand, the higher the value)
TBC – Users Base (The higher the number of verified members, the higher the value)

Up and Down, Fluctuating

Always goes Up and never to depreciate. Increase varies from 1-5% daily growth.
BTC is 9 years old
TBC is 2 years old


They both use blockchain network for their transactions (sending and receiving).

Both are good and valuable.

Any of them will give u brighter future. Don't waste your TBC

BTC was tagged a scam by some people when it was 1 year old, so was TBC.

BTC was hard to sell as it took it 3 years to get an exchanger (2012), so is TBC but some exchangers requires a fee to register to sell now.

BTC was first accepted as payment option by Microsoft in 2012 and since then attention was given to it.

TBC is still growing, and in 2-3 years to come, TBC will make young high school students to retire after graduation if they have coins/kringles now.

The wealth that is coming from TBC will soon vibrate our imagination.

Reference: Thanks to Johnson Foster Snr of EVERYTHING 100% TBC Telegram group for supplying the raw data that I refined for this post.
Hee! Have you join The Billion Coin (TBC) community yet?

If not, you're missing a lot. With TBC, you can easily become a Billionaire.

To join The Billion Coin Community, get in touch with me through any of the channels below:

Mobile: WhatsApp me on (+234) 809 806 6835

Mobile: Calls & SMS only (+234) 805 612 6447

Telegram: @ksnet

I'm ready to help you with all you need to become a TBC Billionaire.

Remain blessed.

Your Partner in Success,
Prince Ade-Johnson